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Breast Cancer Awareness In Women


Millions of women living in this world are facing breast cancer. Reading this article, you will understand what breast cancer is, its risk factors, signs and symptoms. Moreover, we will discuss methods for diagnosis and treatment choices available. We will increase awareness so that all women can recognize early signs of breast cancer. In this way, they can take proactive measures against it. 

What is Breast Cancer?

Our body is made up of cells. When these cells start to grow at an abnormal rate in the breast, then breast cancer occurs. This cancer forms a mass or tumor in your breast. Women have ducts or lobules present in their breast that produce and carry milk. But, in case of breast cancer, these ducts suffer from cancer. Traits that you inherit from your parents may cause breast cancer. Hormonal imbalances also cause it. 

Breast Cancer Awareness in Women

Breast Cancer has several factors:

  1. Inherited Genes: Changes that happen in genes cause breast cancer. These mutations or changes occur in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. People with a family history of breast cancer should focus on genetic testing.
  2. Age: Young women get few chances of developing breast cancer, instead of older ones. But this risk increases as young ladies grow older. Over time, changes occur in their body cells.
  3. Not Breastfeeding: Many studies show that nursing women who feed their babies get low chances of breast cancer. Lactation reduces fluctuations in hormones and eliminates cells that suffer from mutations.
  4. Lifestyle Factors: Consuming alcohol and repeated radiation may also cause breast cancer risk.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Following are the symptoms of breast cancer, which include:

  • Pain that never stops in the breast area
  • Redness and puffy breast
  • Nipple discharges bloody or yellowish fluid.
  • Breast shape and size changes
  • Lumps appear on breast

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, then you must consult a health physician.

Preventing Breast Cancer at Home

When you are aware of signs and symptoms of breast cancer, then you can prevent it. Here are some effective ways that reduce this risk:

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity increases the amount of hormones that lead to breast cancer. You must maintain your healthy weight.

Stay Active: Engaging yourself in exercises like jumping jacks, dead bugs, push-ups helps you maintain healthy weight. These exercises also balance hormones.

Avoid Sedentary Behavior: While you are sitting on your desk for professional tasks, you should take breaks. You can go for a short duration walk. Because, prolonged sitting for 6 to 7 hours can impact your hormonal amount.

Regular Screenings: Engage in regular self-examinations and attend clinical screenings as recommended by healthcare providers.

Diagnosing Breast Cancer

There are some helpful steps that ensure diagnosis:

Self-Awareness: Make sure you visit an oncologist or gynecologist to monitor your breasts for any lumps. Oncologists will also check symptoms like breast shape and size.

Clinical Examination: Clinical breast exam checks any abnormalities, which your healthcare provider observes.

Imaging and Testing: When a breast exam indicates abnormalities, then an oncologist will refer you for imaging tests. These tests include mammograms, ultrasounds and tissue biopsies. These imaging tests may confirm the diagnosis.

Treatments for Breast Cancer

Treatment choices for breast cancer mainly include:

Surgery: Surgeons remove the tumor from the breast, we can call the procedure mastectomy. This procedure eliminates cancerous cells.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapists recommend some drugs that kill cancer cells before or after surgery.

Radiation Therapy: By performing this targeted radiation, it destroys cancer cells. Doctors perform radiation therapy after surgery to remove the remaining cells. 


In summary, Breast cancer awareness in women reduces risk factors and may also prevent it. By understanding all the possible causes of breast cancer, helps you in preventive measures. You detect it on an earlier basis, that improves the outcomes. It is essential to stay informed about the spreading of breast cancer for cure.