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What is a Sedentary Lifestyle?

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Sedentary behavior can cause health problems, Yes it’s true – it may result in increased blood pressure and dangerous health issues. Without realizing, you could be sliding into a sedentary lifestyle that urges you to improve your health. The smallest tweaks to your daily routine can enable you to be active in less time.

Read on to learn about what a sedentary lifestyle is, signs you are living with it, diseases that occur, and ways to become less sedentary at home. Let’s find out.

What is a Sedentary Lifestyle?

Sedentary lifestyle is when someone spends more hours per day sitting. They lack physical movement in their daily life activities. This sounds familiar – in office jobs, for example, many people sit for their workday in front of computers. Then unwind in front of the TV before they go to sleep. It’s an easy routine but not without risks.

Signs You may be living a Poor Lifestyle

The signs of a sedentary lifestyle can be mental. They’re so small you may not recognize they’re happening to you. It’s important to acknowledge the signs so you can make adjustments to improve quality of life. Signals that suggest sedentary lifestyle include:

  • SleeplessnessYou’re not moving much throughout the day, your body doesn’t feel like it needs to rest. It leads to sleep problems. But, physical exercise will help make you tired in a good way.
  • FatigueIf you do not sleep at night, that would explain your fatigue. When you’re active, your body releases endorphins—that are mood boosters. When you’re not moving, you’re not releasing endorphins.
  • Difficulty concentratingSometimes, you notice that your brain seems a little foggy. You can’t concentrate on tasks, Right? Without alertness, attention and motivation, it can take a big hit.
  • Aches and painsIf sitting at your desk is more of a pain in the neck than usual, you need to move more.
  • Weight gain– Your clothes are a little snug when venturing into the office. That’s because you’re not burning as many calories.

Health Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Sedentary behavior can lead to health conditions that can have impacts to your physical well-being. Following are some risk of diseases:

Vein-related problems

When you don’t move, your blood flows at a slower rate. This causes varicose veins, which are signs that your veins are having a hard time pushing blood.  Now, these veins are unable to flow blood from your legs back towards your heart. You’re also likely to get a blood clot in one of your veins in the body. Deep vein thrombosis becomes life-threatening if a blood clot blocks your blood flow. Superficial vein thrombosis can cause pain, but it is less likely dangerous. Being physically active helps to keep your blood moving.

Heart disease

If you’re not getting physical activity, it may result in cardiomyopathy, which affects how your heart pumps blood. There are several things that can cause a big contributing factor:

High cholesterol

Cholesterol, that your body needs to build healthy cells. High-density lipoprotein is a “good cholesterol” that helps to remove “bad cholesterol” from the blood. If you’re not moving, you may have high cholesterol and not enough HDL. This potentially causes hardened arteries.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is that your blood is pushing too strongly, making the pumping organ i.e heart work too hard. It leads to weakened blood vessels. Being more active keeps your blood pressure where it should be.


Insulin regulates blood sugar levels, helping your body use the sugar. Engaging in sedentary behavior can cause changes to your body and may result in insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes is common in adults, but children get it too. There isn’t a cure for it, but weight loss and a good diet help you manage it.


Less movement, so less calories burned, which leads to sedentary behavior and obesity. It’s recommended that adults should perform 2.5 hours of physical activity per week. 


Sedentary behavior causes the risk of developing ovarian and other cancers. Becoming more active and changing your diet may help you reduce its risks.

Mental Health Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle

There are health risks for your brain while you are living a sedentary lifestyle.

Stress, anxiety and depressionWhen you are physically active, your brain releases mood-boosting chemicals i.e serotonin. Without physical activity, the brain releases less serotonin, so you may have less positive feelings. When you experience less motivation, it may become more difficult for you to manage your health. 

Ways to make lifestyle changes at home

Your home life seems pretty good with cooking and cleaning. How can you change things up to add more activity? Let’s discuss.

Move your body more

Exercise has to happen in a gym as well as at home. Make time for some stretches, walk up and down the stairs a few times. 

Make housework a workout

Try dancing while you mop or sweep, you don’t usually take a lot of time on. Making your house shine while sweating is a good option.

Relaxation time

It’s fun to zone out by standing around while watching TV or doing some floor exercises. If you’re talking on the phone, take laps around your home. Getting down on the floor to play with your kids to burn some extra calories.

Ways to Make Lifestyle Changes At Work

The majority of sitting happens while you work. But some small tweaks to your workday lifestyle get you out of a sedentary lifestyle:

Change up your workspace

Wherever you work, make your workspace office ergonomics a priority. A stand-up desk is best to start to get you on your feet.

Meet on the move

Have a walk-and-talk meeting through the office if you don’t need a screen. Or take the call while going for a stroll. If you need to talk with a coworker, take the time to go over to their desk. That helps you move, that could help improve your mood.

Change your routine

Parking your car or motorbike farther away than you normally would. Take a walk and try to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a walk before you sit down at your computer.

Few Words

Many factors are involved in the development of obesity. Eating a healthy diet that contains plenty of fresh foods will reduce the risk of obesity. Don’t forget to build up momentum. Sometimes, you’ve tried making changes, but you don’t feel like you’re making progress. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but you should reach out for help. 


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