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How Long Can Depression Last?


All children feel down or low sometimes, it’s a natural part of growing up. But these feelings can become worrisome if they feel strong for a long time, especially if they affect the social life, family and school of the child.

What is depression?

It should however be noted that depression can be either minor or past or severe, and last for several weeks or months. Some people are likely to experience depression at one point in life, while others at several junctures in their lives.

What causes depression?


Others may become depressed after prolonged stress. It can also be used in families. Sometimes we may not know why this happened.

Depression in children and adolescents

Depression can be a chronic manifestation of unhappiness or anger in children and adolescents. It is commonly owned by older children and teenagers, but often goes unrecognized.


Just because a child seems sad doesn’t mean they have depression. But if the sadness persists or interferes with normal social activities, interests, schoolwork or family life, it may require the support of a mental health professional.


Please remember that depression diagnosis can only be made by a doctor or any mental health worker, if you feel that your child is a victim then it is wise to consult a doctor.


How is depression treated?

Major depression is a serious psychiatric illness, but recognisable, treatable, and the sooner the treatment is provided, the better – said the National Institute of Mental Health Trust.National Institute of Mental Health

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Treatment is also useful in preventing relapse in people living with recurrent depression. Treatment should take into account individual characteristics, symptoms and conditions.


A combination of medications is often the most effective, but each person is different. Other possibilities are therefore hospitalization, and electroshock treatment besides medication and psychotherapy.


There are many types of antidepressants and often what may work for one person does not work for the other person. This is also not a rarity to try different drugs in an attempt to select the one that will be suitable for you.


Antidepressants may include:


  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)


  • serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)


  • tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)


  • atypical antidepressants


  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)


Other medications that can help treat depression. Sometimes a combination of medications, as well as anti-anxiety medications, can be used depending on your situation. When one fails in managing your condition properly, your doctor may opt for another that is most effective for you.


Counseling or therapy commonly relates to “talk therapy” and those who practice therapy or therapy. Psychotherapy can be of any type according to the individual, but if you tell the psychotherapist what you want to achieve, they will be able to help you recover from depression.


Therapists note, however, that many folks seek therapy for all kind of issues and or symptoms, including or excluding the appearance of depression. This is good advice if there is someone that you know who can listen and offer professional advice on issues that are bothering you.


Some types of psychotherapy are: Dialectical behavior therapy or mental health therapy and Cognitive –Behavioral therapy.


Therapy can help you:


  • Identify the “triggers” that cause feelings of depression


  • Identify the harmful beliefs you hold


  • create new, positive beliefs


  • provide coping strategies for negative events and emotions


  • Hospitalization


Hospitalization may be required if:


  • A severe depressive episode


  • you can’t keep yourself safe


  • you can’t take care of yourself


While you are in the hospital, your medications (if you have any) may be reviewed or changed, and individual and group therapy may be needed. This is to ensure that you are given the support and care which you require, and to protect you until your depression clears up.

Electroconvulsive therapy

It can be used in patients with TRD, recurrent major depression. This procedure is conducted to apply an electric current during a client’s general discomfort with the intention of escalating the seizure.


It is not used as a first-line treatment because it has some serious side effects, such as memory loss. This is not a cure, but remedial treatment as mentioned above is necessary.

Life changes

While there is no “home remedy” for depression or recurring episodes, there are things people can do to help themselves, including the following:


Whether that means regular therapy sessions, medication, group therapy, alcohol abstinence—follow an approved treatment plan.


Reduce or avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. This can cause mood swings and negative interactions with many psychiatric medications and antidepressants.


Even if it’s just a walk around the block—especially if you’re feeling good—getting out of the house can have an uplifting effect and help reduce the feelings of isolation that often accompany depression.


Get regular sleep and try to eat healthy. The body and mind are connected, and rest and nutrition can help you feel better.


Discuss any medications you are taking with your doctor, as they may interfere with medications prescribed by your doctor.

What does depression look like?


Depression is a serious illness, and for many people living with depression, episodes of depression recur.


That didn’t mean he wasn’t hopeful – far from it.


There are various treatments that can be used to treat and reduce symptoms, as well as reduce the risk of recurrence or the severity of an episode.


There are also coping and managing tools for depressive episodes Exist. Depression is a persistent state but that does not mean it cannot be controlled.


Clinical depression as much differs from ‘getting the blues’, or ‘feeling down in the dumps’ since it results from the chemical imbalance in one’s brain.


For one to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, he or she must have had at least five depressive symptoms with a severity of at least mild once in a day for at least two consecutive weeks. The common signs include: Men who lose interest in many of the things they used to enjoy, have feelings of worthlessness or guilt even though it’s unwarranted, tired all the time and so on.

Duration and type of depression

There are many types of depression, and the type you experience can affect how long or how severe your symptoms are.


Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)


Clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder (MDD), is when most people talk about depression. Such episodes may comprise 6-18 months or more of the patient’s total life time.


When you begin treatment soon after developing the first signs of a disease, it is possible to become a source where other people seek the prevention of a relapse.


This paper seeks to describe one of the most uncommon mental disorders, specifically, Persistent depressive disorder (PDD).

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

In particular, if you have depressive feelings for 2 years or more, you will be diagnosed with chronic depressive disorder.


Dysthymia also known as PDD refers to a persisting mood disorder that is defined by symptoms with more intensity than clinical depression, but with a longer duration. PDD can even result in fatigue or in withdrawal from what is going on at certain times in your life. You may also find yourself often depressed with low self-esteem.


This has led some people to call the condition “high-functioning depression,” which is not actually an official diagnosis.


In some cases, PDD lasts so long that you can believe that the symptoms are part of who you are. Health care providers often use a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressants to treat PDD. This combination approach may be more successful in reducing the severity of your symptoms than using either treatment alone.


Perinatal/postpartum depression (PPD)


This depends on several factors, but one of the most important is not getting treatment for the symptoms.


The findings demonstrate that some individuals may have these symptoms for longer than that 6-month period and for up to a year and beyond.


A seasonal affective disorder

If you have noticed that with changing seasons, your moods and the amount of energy you possess also shifts, you could be suffering from seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. Such a mood is not constant and can occur and absent with the change of seasons.


As a result, seasonal affective disorder usually lasts 4 to 5 months. For most people, the disorder has symptoms that begin in late fall and end in spring.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar depression is a term used for people who experience episodes of low mood associated with bipolar disorder. The duration of mood episodes in bipolar disorder varies, with some Trusted Source studies showing that an episode can last between 8 and 12 months.


Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, but you can manage its symptoms to live an emotionally healthier lifestyle with continued treatment and support, including mitigating episodes of depression. Depressive episodes last longer in those diagnosed than epic ones do; bipolar is lifelong but you can manage its severity through ongoing support services – this includes managing symptoms to limit how often episodes last longer than epic ones do.

Depressive episodes


Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, but you can manage its symptoms to live an emotionally healthier lifestyle with continued treatment and support, including mitigating episodes of depression.


Depressive episodes last longer in those diagnosed than epic ones do; bipolar is lifelong but you can manage its severity through ongoing support services – this includes managing symptoms to limit how often episodes last longer than epic ones do.


Researchers found in Trusted Source that risk factors for recurrent depressive episodes include:


  • special symptoms that occur in a person


  • other mental conditions (anxiety)


  • family history of depression


  • identity


  • mental pattern


  • stressful life events


  • Past Trauma


  • lack of social support


If you are at risk of experiencing recurrent depression, your treatment may be effective in managing your symptoms and reducing the recurrence of depressive episodes.


How do most people deal with depression?

Most people deal with depression in different ways. Many people seek peace and comfort in their work, entertainment, or coping skills. Some examples of common antidepressant skills that are effective include:


  • Take care of yourself


  • Talk to others in your support network, such as friends or loved ones


  • Journal about your life, thoughts, and feelings


  • Exercise and move your body


  • Log off


Add healthy foods to your day


Trying one or more of these steps can help improve your mental health and help you break the cycle of depression. Even if these tactics don’t tell you, try the same things that make you happy or make you feel fulfilled. Everyone has different needs, so each person’s treatment options vary accordingly.

Does depression fix itself?

If you experience persistent low mood and think you may be struggling with depression, it is recommended that you speak with a mental health professional. This is your opportunity to speak with a therapist, counselor or psychiatrist about how you feel with no one to judge or criticize you. They will also be used to develop the treatment regime most favorable for you.


How to stop such depression

Depression has numerous contributing factors and therefore there are different ways to treat it. For some, this may also be the part of the genetic disposition of each depression’s sufferer. Educating oneself about depression is more likely than not an eye-opening experience for those suffering from the disease.


When one is depressed, many aspects of life are not of the sunshine, rainbows, and happiness variety, but at times sadness may also be something to cherish because it makes the feeling of happiness lovely. It is quite effective to indulge oneself in finding joy even in small things a person can do every single day when depressed. Mental lists of things to be grateful for can be drawn and embraced as a strategy of finding sense, happiness, and meaning in one’s day. Constantly, go out in the sun; go for a breather and engage in pleasing activities or some entertaining activities; find ways to design yourself a more purposeful life; Don’t forget about your support, the environment and nature.There will be good days and some not so good days, but if you push yourself to do better, you are doing your best.


These changes we desire to have will involve altering the actions, words and thoughts in order to get rid of chemicals and attain feelings of feeling good chemicals. It is easier to control our actions more than controlling our thoughts. One cannot just ‘imagine’ or ‘think’ away the feeling of depression; we are powerless. There are several things that can be changed in body chemistry to allow individuals to feel better.

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