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Women’s health in the workplace

Does women need more healthcare than men at workplace?

In this modern era woman and men same works at offices and different multinational companies to meet their daily requirement and add for their living by biological nature men and women are not same woman may find difficulty and had different health issues at their workplace so woman’s progress comes with many challenges and difficulties in their way so woman should take care of their health at work had also the employer should take care of their employees specially for female implies because females are way different from men’s they had to face many hard and many other difficult things with man dot that’s why in this article we will discuss about what kind of challenges woman’s face at their workspace and also how we can empower woman at work space regards their health issues and different other things by providing them opportunity to work and also by proving them platform with different healthcare services that nothing can stop women to come forward and showcase their talent.

What are the challenges women face at their workplace?

There are different kind of challenges that women face at their workplace regards their health because women have to face matches and many health conditions which are miserable and very painful activities so that’s why at workplace woman need special care and have to follow special routine as well

The most common health challenges women face at their workplace

Uncomfortable sitting area:

Everybody needs to be comfortable during work because without comfortability you don’t think properly and cannot work so that’s why every employer should made their office balcony shared reliable for seating areas full of employees.


stress is the most common issues also moment is because works address makes the pain in brain and also can cause very difficult health conditions so different employers should cancelled a proper healthcare medical professional which tells them how to manage all the employees healthcare routine specially females add table sitting area should be private because there is no probability at any time anything can be happen.

Relax environment:

All the woman’s at their workplace should paid by government and that’s why they’re fighting for Many men’s harassed female that their work space so according to a new policy all female health workplace man should make space one to two feet from a female and cannot had asked them without their permission you don’t involve any sexual activity so next time you will go take permission

What is compatible workplace for women health?

The office environment for women should be very compatible for women’s health because an environment with communication gap negatively effects on employee mental health got triggered and his efficiency decreases that’s why make the office environment friendly.

Which things men do as a help to women at workspace?

There are many rules which helps women have that workplace the first rule is not to talk to woman without work what a signed work add office. Don’t bother the woman because if you do then your whole life will be ruined out and the women also get disturbed so avoid to harass or irritate women at workspace also respect pregnant women. The seminars about mental health and other health issues for women is very necessary and our motor is too education into focus and colleges where this information regards properly gathered

Which things which helps you to maintain your health at workplace?

There are many things which helps you in your daily life to maintain your health at your workplace the most common things are following:


when you dig a proper meal with god mode of nutrition in it automatically your digestive system and your body will use to a good food and this is enough to make you healthy and also improve your immune system add some yoghurt with this in your diet it will do wonders for you. Quality diet is always useful it helps you not getting diseases

Exercise regularly:

if you exercise regularly it will be great for your daily life and routines at your workplace space be ‘cause workplace is very change from normal places and there you need to be attentive when you do access regularly you have the idea and have the limits do your body so my exercising makes you set wrong and causes last fatigue at work space for woman’s


mundane health add your words please you need to take multivitamins with you and take one after breakfast because when you do work your nutrition level goes down and you nearly need to take multivitamins which helps you further to fight with different disease.

How to manage health at work space during menses?

There is many simple ways to manage menses during work or even when you are at work space take a pad with socks all your excessive blood with you always doesn’t matter if you’re having. Or not the bad is always with you and the next is the management is cramps during work at work space you may take some medications make your specially made for cramps and these helps very much to get rid of these dangerous drugs are very common during matches and every woman faces it.

You may take leave during menses because these are the most painful times you’re going through and women only feel the pain so every employer should have a policy for woman’s to maintain their health during matches at work space by giving them extra nutrition in their lunch and also when they feel Spain and difficulty to come for job the employees should I know them rests on their day without getting their salaries this would be helpful for women to maintain health physically and mentally at work space also for their empowerment as well. In different offices women face difficulty to share their problems with Hr. at work so make sure every possible solution as an employer you give to women because women’s are not same as means they need special treatment.

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