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What is Masturbation Addiction?


Ah! alone in your room, cut off from the friend circle in the situation of lustful privacy.  You give in to your sensual desires. You are right! We are talking about the habit of masturbation which is an addiction. 

Reading this article, you will find out essential information about masturbation, causes of its addiction and its symptoms. Moreover, we will explore the negative impacts of masturbation addiction on health and the ways to get rid of this addiction. Let’s unveil the details.

What Do You Know About Sex?

Sex is one of the most basic needs of your body. It is one of the significant goals among all species, which makes us younger. Sex is one of the pleasurable activities for every species in the kingdom (Animalia). With the help of sex, we are able to produce offspring like us. In males, their reward system becomes active. After orgasm, they feel pleasurable feelings due to the high release of neurochemicals in the brain. These neurotransmitters make a person happy. Also, sex provides relaxation in females, like these kinds of feelings generated in men. Masturbation is an activity in which only a single person gets pleasure after stimulating his own sexual organ. Yet we can call masturbation a replacement for Sex but not for a longer period of time. Masturbation is a very pleasurable activity, that’s why It can be addictive to a dangerous level.

What is Masturbation Addiction?

Masturbation Addiction refers to a compulsive behavior of masturbating in high amounts. By neglecting your important tasks and also without considering its harmful effects on health. Masturbation is not as natural as Sex, but people do it as a replacement for Sex with a partner. Masturbation will allow you to get pleasure of the same level that comes from Sex by stimulating your genitals, whether you are male or female.

When a person masturbates, many chemicals are released from his brain, like endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. So it feels like heaven for some time after his orgasm. The same kind of chemicals that your brain releases when you do drugs like meth or cocaine but in high amounts. We concluded that every activity that triggers dopamine release from your brain can be addictive to dangerous levels.

It is the same when a person masturbates; he feels good, but his dopamine levels drop below the baseline. Hence, he needs more dopamine to make his levels normal. And if he doesn’t get dopamine according to those levels, he will feel irritated and stressed. That is how the person will again masturbate to gain that level. And day by day, the dopamine requirements will go on increasing, so in the end, the person ends up with a severe masturbation addiction. It has many dangerous effects on your mental and physical well-being.

What are the Causes of Masturbation Addiction?

There are several causes of masturbation addiction that insist you masturbate more than usual. The most important cause of masturbation addiction is the following:


One of the major reasons for masturbation addiction is loneliness. Because when a person is alone and masturbates, there are many chances that he can increase his frequency of masturbation to get out from his loneliness. But increased masturbating will affect him more badly, and will not solve his problem. So instead of masturbating find a way to get out from loneliness.


Boredom is also the bigger cause of masturbation addiction. Some people masturbate for fun, and when they are getting bored. They perform this activity, so please keep in mind that masturbating is not a simple activity. It involves many sensitive parts or processes of your body. Boredom triggers your brain to activities that give you a high, and masturbation is one of them.

Watching Porn

One of the major reasons why people get addicted to masturbation is porn. Because masturbation and porn have a connection with each other in every manner. Porn itself is very dangerous and has millions of adverse effects. People usually masturbate while watching porn, so avoid watching porn to get rid of masturbation.

Childhood Abuse

The abuse in your childhood has a significant impact on your adult personality. The abusive behavior will cause compulsive behavior of sexual activities like masturbation. So, getting psychotherapy may help you recover from the traumatic thoughts of your childhood abuse.

What are the Symptoms of Masturbation Addiction?

Many symptoms tell you whether you are a masturbation addict or not, which are the following:

  • Masturbating more than twice a day
  • prefer masturbating over your work
  • masturbating while boredom
  • masturbating while watching porn
  • decreased libido
  • lower testosterone
  • fatigue and restlessness.
  • ADHD is also a symptom of masturbation addiction

What are the Damages of Masturbation Addiction?

Masturbation itself is not a very harmful process. Still, as you know, excess of everything is bad. So if you masturbate daily and can’t resist without it, it is more likely that you get addicted to masturbation. And can face its significant side effects, which are the following:

Poor cognition

If you masturbate a lot, you can determine by yourself that your cognitive abilities experience damage. Because masturbation causes the release of dopamine, so its frequent act makes our brain slow and not work correctly.


Masturbating a lot causes our testosterone to be low, so when our testosterone becomes low, we don’t have much energy to gain muscles. Hence, fatigue is so common due to masturbation addiction.

Erection problems

The male genitals are made up of tissues with sacks that are filled with blood during erection or sexual stimulation. But if we masturbate beyond limits, it causes these tissues and sacks to damage. Also, it causes pain in the genital area.

Brain fog

Masturbating a lot will also impact your mental health and your brain starts slowing down. Your ability to think will become poor; then, you will definitely face issues like brain fog.

How to Get Rid of Masturbation Addiction?

Many ways help you to get rid of masturbation addiction, which we have given below:

  • Focus on triggers that lead you to masturbate, like the place where you masturbate, some videos, or even thoughts
  • Don’t isolate because isolation automatically triggers your masturbation addiction
  • Remove loneliness from your life
  • Treat anxiety and try to stay happy because anxiety is the major cause of masturbation addiction
  • Get talk therapy and CBT also with this addiction
  • Go and search for a partner
  • Do exercise regularly
  • Mediation and yoga also help

 Few Words

If you are fighting against the masturbation addiction, know that you are not alone. There are others who are dealing with it too and if you are unable to alleviate your urges, it is difficult to concentrate on your personal relationships. A trained mental health professional will help identify your triggers and provide you with healthy coping skills.


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