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Does Eliquis cause depression or anxiety?

Eliquis is well recognized for lowering the risk of blood clot formation during hip or knee replacement procedures. Since apixaban requires a prescription, it should not be used without the right medical advice from a doctor.

Although there is currently not enough scientific proof linking Eliquis to mental health issues, some individuals may suffer anxiety while taking the drug. Before changing or terminating your prescribed treatment regimen, always with your doctor.


Is there a connection between Eliquis and anxiety or depression?

It is still unknown whether Eliquis and depression or anxiety are related to each other. 

Researchers speculate that Eliquis may interfere with the body’s ability to absorb some essential vitamins required for healthy brain and emotional health, while the precise cause of this correlation is unknown. More specifically, greater doses of the medication may prevent vitamin B12 from being absorbed. This vitamin is crucial for maintaining mental health and preventing illnesses like anxiety or sadness.

Eliquis, type of anticoagulant, can also suppress clotting factors that help prevent stroke and other cardiovascular issues, but doing so may also cause an increase in inflammation levels throughout the body, which is another factor that contributes to mental health problems like depression or anxiety. It’s unclear how Eliquis and depression or anxiety might be related.

What to do if you take Eliquis and develop anxiety or sadness?

It is crucial to speak with your doctor or a mental health expert if you are on Eliquis and discover that you are exhibiting any unusual symptoms. You can examine the issue and determine whether Eliquis is to blame for your symptoms with the aid of your doctor. They might also be able to offer suggestions on how to reduce any possible dangers related to Eliquis.

Even though there is evidence linking Eliquis to depression and anxiety, not everyone who takes the medication will necessarily experience these side effects.  It’s crucial to take into account any additional problems that could be aggravating or causing your depression or anxiety symptoms. Physical health issues like chronic illnesses or nutritional deficiencies, medications (some blood pressure medications have been linked to an increased risk of depressive disorders, for example), a family history of mental illness, poor sleep hygiene, unresolved trauma, or stressful life events can all affect mental health.


Eliquis serious side effects

The active component in Eliquis, apixaban, may also have side effects in addition to its intended effects. 

If any of the following side effects develop while taking apixaban, consult your doctor right away:

  • Rare
  • bloodshot eyes
  • blood in the stools or the pee, or both
  • misunderstanding Bruises or purple patches on the skin
  • constipation
  • spitting blood
  • decreased vigilance
  • swallowing issues dizziness
  • trembling rapid heartbeat
  • headache
  • hives, skin rash, itching, joint discomfort, nausea, and nosebleeds


Bleeding-related adverse events were the most frequent ones. Haemorrhage, nausea, and anaemia were common side effects.


Diabetes patients experienced higher bleeding incidents than participants without the disease. 

Minor bleeding (11.7%) is very common (greater than 10%)

Common (1% to 10%): postoperative anaemia, clinically relevant minor bleeding, reduced haemoglobin, anaemia, and haemorrhage.

Rare (0.1% to 1%): Haemoglobin drop of 2 g/dL or more, transfusion of 2 units or more red blood cells, deadly bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and hemorrhagic anaemia are all signs of post-procedural bleeding.

Bleed at a vital site is uncommon (less than 0.1%)


Extremely typical (10% or more): Vomiting (14.1%)

Constipation, vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain are typical (1% to 10%)


Eliquis side effects which are more typical

There are certain side effects that Eliquis might have, some of which are more frequent than others. These negative effects could only last a few days to a few weeks. However, be sure to consult your doctor or chemist if the adverse effects persist for a longer period of time, irritate you, or get serious.

Here are just a few of the negative effects that users of Eliquis in clinical trials most frequently reported experiencing:

Anaemia (low red blood cell count) and bruises

Nosebleeds are an example of mild bleeding View the section below under “Side effect specifics” for more details on this side effect.

Eliquis has been associated with a few mild side effects, including:

  • Anaemia (low red blood cell count) and bruises
  • Low platelet count, or thrombocytopenia
  • low blood pressure, which could lead to lightheadedness
  • Nosebleeds are a type of mild bleeding. The slightest allergic reaction
  • These negative effects could only last a few days to a few weeks. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) keeps tabs on a drug’s negative effects after giving it its approval. Visit Med Watch to report a side effect you experience while taking Eliquis to the FDA.


Eliquis long-term negative effects

Eliquis is unlikely to have any negative effects that last. While using Eliquis, a spinal or epidural hematoma (blood clot in your spine) could develop as a result of a spinal operation such as a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) or epidural injection. This clot may impinge on your spinal cord and result in long-lasting or permanent paralysis.

No other long-term (side effects that endure for a long time) side effects of Eliquis have been recorded. Eliquis side effects usually go away once you stop taking the drug. If necessary, your doctor could prescribe an antidote to counteract Eliquis’ effects, for instance, if the drug results in significant bleeding.

Eliquis withdrawal, however, can occasionally make side effects more likely. Your risk of blood clots may increase, for instance, if you stop taking Eliquis before your doctor advises. Additionally, discontinuing Eliquis can increase your chance of developing atrial fibrillation and having a stroke. Long-term issues may arise if you get a stroke after discontinuing Eliquis. Without your doctor’s approval, you shouldn’t stop taking Eliquis.


Eliquis side effects in older individuals

Eliquis side effects in clinical trials were comparable in older people to younger adults. Examples of this include issues with the kidneys and issues with bleeding, such a bleeding stomach ulcer.


If I stop taking Eliquis, will I have any withdrawal symptoms or any negative effects?

If you stop taking Eliquis, you won’t have withdrawal symptoms, but you could experience other adverse effects.

If you stop taking a medication that your body is accustomed to, withdrawal symptoms may develop. Eliquis withdrawal symptoms are unknown to occur on stopping the drug. Eliquis withdrawal does not require a dosage reduction. However, if you stop taking Eliquis earlier than your doctor advises, your risk of blood clots may increase. There is a boxed warning on Eliquis. This side effect is from a reliable source. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues warnings in boxes when they are very dangerous. See “Side effect specifics” below for more information.

Eliquis shouldn’t be stopped before your doctor advises you to. Regarding how long you should take Eliquis, consult your doctor.


Can you gain weight when using Eliquis?

It’s not known to, though. Eliquis clinical trials did not reveal any weight gain. However, it’s possible that you could put on weight as a result of taking Eliquis. For instance, Eliquis is used to treat and prevent deep vein thrombosis, which is increased by reduced mobility. Additionally, losing mobility can result in weight gain. Additionally, you can have less mobility both before and after surgery if you take Eliquis to help prevent blood clots following hip or knee replacement surgery. Weight gain could result from this. Consult your doctor if you’re worried about gaining weight while taking Eliquis.


Do Eliquis side effects include diarrhoea and constipation?

Other blood thinners in the same family as Eliquis, such as Xarelto (rivaroxaban), have also been linked to reports of constipation and diarrhoea. Another form of blood thinner called Jantoven (warfarin) has also been linked to diarrhoea. Eliquis clinical studies, however, didn’t record any of these side effects.

Speak to your doctor if Eliquis causes diarrhoea or constipation. There are numerous factors that could cause these digestive issues. Your doctor can provide treatments or remedies and assist in identifying the problem.


Can Eliquis have negative effects on the kidneys?

There haven’t been any reports of kidney-related side effects including renal damage or decreased kidney function being brought on by Eliquis.

However, Eliquis occasionally results in significant bleeding. This could involve bleeding in internal organs like the kidneys. In clinical trials, some Eliquis users reported having blood in their urine, which may indicate kidney hemorrhage. 

If you observe blood in your urine or have pink or red pee, you should also see your doctor straight soon. Make sure your doctor is aware that you are taking Eliquis if you need a spinal operation while taking this drug.  Your doctor will prescribe medication to treat a spinal blood clot as soon as feasible.


Breastfeeding while taking Eliquis during pregnancy

It is unknown if using Eliquis while pregnant or nursing is safe. Eliquis may raise the risk of bleeding during pregnancy and delivery if administered during pregnancy. If Eliquis can cross into breast milk is unknown. If it occurs, though, it might have negative effects on a breastfed infant, such as severe bleeding. Eliquis won’t likely be the only prescription your doctor suggests.


The Bottom line

Eliquis rarely causes side effects. Most are unimportant and connected to the medication’s higher risk of bleeding. But there’s also a chance for some severe negative effects.

Speak to your doctor or chemist if you want additional information about Eliquis. Any queries you may have regarding adverse effects from using the medication can be addressed by them.


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