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Generic name: mometasone topical moe-METa-sone [moe-MET-a-sone]
Drug class: topical steroids

What is Elocon?

Elocon is an effective oral corticosteroid. It decreases the action of body-wide chemicals, which cause inflammation.Elocon can be purchased as lotion, cream, solutions, or ointments. It can be utilized to treat skin problems such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis.Elocon helps reduce symptoms such as discomfort, redness, or swelling.

Side effects of Elocon

Seek medical attention immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms or warning signs of an allergic response, Elocon itching and breathing problems, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

See your doctor right away. If you suffer from:

  • Severe skin irritation;
  • Blurred vision or tunnel vision. Eye pain, seeing halos in lights,
  • Blood sugar levels are high, causing an increase in thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, and a fruity smell.

Mometasone could affect the growth of children. It is not recommended for long-term use.Common Elocon adverse effects could be:

  • Acne-like bumps, either pus-filled or red, on your skin
  • Acne
  • Itching, tingling, or burning

This isn't an exhaustive list of possible side effects, and others could happen.


Make sure you use Elocon exactly as indicated on the label or as recommended by your physician. Avoid using the medication in greater quantities or for a longer period than is recommended. The topical steroid medication is absorbed via the skin and causes steroid-related adverse effects across the body.Do not cover the affected areas of the skin with a bandage or any other type of covering unless your doctor has advised you to. skinCovering your skin treated with Elocon could make it more difficult for you to absorb the medication that your skin absorbs. This can cause undesirable negative side effects. Follow the instructions of your physician.Do not apply Elocon to children without consulting a physician. It is more common for children to take large quantities of a topical steroid via the skin. The absorption of steroids in children can result in unwanted side effects or a delay in growth after long-term use. Consult your physician in the event that you suspect your child's growth isn't at a normal pace while taking Elocon for a long time.Talk to your doctor if the problem persists for more than two weeks after taking the medication or if you notice symptoms of a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection.

Before you take this drug

It is not recommended to make use of Elocon in case you have an allergy to mometasone.Don't use Elocon as a treatment for the rash on your diaper.Do not apply this medication to children without consulting a physician.Susceptible Children can absorb greater amounts of this drug through their skin and be more prone to negative side effects. Elocon might not be safe to use on a child for more than 3 weeks.Elocon does not have FDA approval for its use by anyone less than 2 years old.Inform your doctor if you suffer from any kind of infection with your skin.Tell your doctor if you suffer from diabetes. Topical steroid drugs absorbed through the skin can increase levels of glucose (sugar) in your urine or blood.It isn't known if this medicine could cause harm to a baby who is not yet born. Inform your doctor if you are expecting or planning to be pregnant.It might not be safe to breastfeed while taking this medication. Discuss with your doctor any potential risks. In the event that you use Elocon on your chest, be sure to avoid any areas that might come into contact with your baby's mouth.

How to take Elocon?

Make sure you use Elocon precisely as stated on the label or as recommended by your physician. Be sure to not take this medicine in smaller or larger quantities or for more time than prescribed. Check all medication guidebooks or instructions sheets.Do not consume by mouth. Topical medicines are to be used only on the skin.Cleanse your hands before and after you use Elocon, except if you are applying the medication to your hands.A small quantity of the product is applied to the area of concern and gently rubbed onto the face. Don't apply Elocon to a large area of skin.

Don't cover the treated skin area unless your physician recommends it. Covering areas that have been treated could increase the amount of medication absorbed by your skin and could cause adverse consequences.Contact your physician if your symptoms don't improve after two weeks of treatment or if they become worse.Keep it at room temperature, free of heat and moisture.

Details on dosage

Usual Adult Dose of Elocon for Dermatitis:

Apply a thin layer of the cream to the affected area at least once a day.
This topical medication should not be combined with occlusive dressings unless it is prescribed by a physician.
The treatment should be stopped when you have achieved control.
If no improvement is observed within 2 weeks, a reassessment of the diagnosis could be required.
Use: Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses

Usual Adult Dose of Elocon for Eczema:

Apply a thin layer of the cream to the affected area at least once a day.
The topical drug is not to be combined with dressings for occlusive use unless instructed by a medical professional.
The treatment should be stopped when the desired level of control is achieved.
If there is no improvement within two weeks, a re-assessment of the diagnosis could be required.
Use: Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses

Usual Adult Dose of Elocon for Psoriasis:

Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected area once per day.
The topical drug should not be combined with dressings for occlusive use unless instructed by a physician.
The treatment should be stopped when the desired level of control is achieved.
If there is no improvement within two weeks, a re-assessment of the diagnosis might be necessary.
Use: Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses

Usual Pediatric Dose for Dermatitis:

2 years old and over:
Cream or ointment: Apply an even layer of cream or ointment to the area affected at least once per day.
Age 12 and over:
Lotion: Apply a thin layer of lotion to the area affected once per day.
The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children for longer than three weeks have not been proven.
This topical drug should not be used in the diaper area if the child is still in disposable diapers or even plastic pants.
The treatment should be stopped when you have achieved control.
If there is no improvement within two weeks, a re-assessment of the diagnosis could be required.
Use: Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses

Usual Pediatric Dose for Eczema:

2 years or older:
Cream or ointment: Apply an even layer of cream or ointment to the area affected at least once per day.
12-year-olds and older:
Lotion: Apply a thin layer of lotion to the area affected once per day.

The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children for longer than three weeks are not established.
This topical drug is not recommended for use in diapers when the child needs cloth diapers and plastic pajamas.
The therapy should be stopped once you have achieved control.
If no improvement is observed within two weeks, a reassessment of the diagnosis might be necessary.
Use: Relieve inflammation and pruritus from corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses

Usual Pediatric Dose for Psoriasis:

2 years or older:
Cream/ointment: Apply an even layer of the cream to the affected area at least once per day.
12-year-olds and older:
Lotion: Apply a thin layer of lotion to the area affected once per day.
Safety and efficacy for pediatric patients for longer than three weeks are not established.
This topical drug should not be used in the diaper area if the child continues to require cloth diapers and plastic pajamas.
The treatment should be stopped when you have achieved control.
If no improvement is observed within two weeks, a reassessment of the diagnosis might be necessary.
Corticosteroid-responsive Dermatoses present with symptoms that include inflammation and pruritus that require corticosteroids for relief. Use: These products help soothe both inflammation and pruritus from corticosteroids-sensitive dermatoses.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Apply the medicine as fast as you are able, but do not take the missed dose if you think it is close to time for the next dose. Do not take two doses at the same time.

What happens if I overdose?

Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222.A high dose of Elocon isn't likely to trigger life-threatening symptoms. The long-term use of high doses could cause thin skin, easy bruising changes in the body's fat (especially around the neck, face back, hips, and waist), as well as increased appearance of acne or hair on your face, menstrual troubles, impotence, or a lack of interest in sexual activity.

What should be avoided?

Rinse thoroughly with water if this medicine is absorbed into your eyes. Do not apply Elocon to your skin, underarms, face, or groin area unless your physician has instructed you to. Don't use Elocon in the treatment of any illness that has not been examined by your physician.

Interaction with other drug

Inform your doctor about any other medications you take, particularly:

  • Steroid medication you can take through your mouth
  • The steroid medication you apply to your scalp or skin

This list isn't complete. Other drugs can be incompatible with mometasone topical, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Some interactions with drugs are not listed here. are listed here.