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Generic Name: Triamcinolone Inhalation (Trye-amSIH no-lone)
Drug class: glucocorticoids

What is Azmacort?

Triamcinolone is a type of steroid. It stops the release of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation.Azmacort can be used to treat asthma. Azmacort will not cure an asthma attack already in progress.Azmacort can be used in other ways not mentioned in the medication guide.Azmacort should not be used to stop an asthma attack. Azmacort will not reverse symptoms quickly enough. Treat an asthma attack with another inhalation medicine that works faster.If your symptoms of asthma do not improve within 2 weeks after taking Azmacort, contact your doctor.If you feel that your asthma medication is not working the way it should, seek medical advice. A sudden increase in the need to take medication may be a sign that you are experiencing a severe asthma attack. You may need to adjust your dosage if you are sick, under stress, or have recently experienced an asthma attack. You may have to switch back from Azmacort to an oral steroid if your stress level is high or you experience an asthma attack. Wear a medical ID or carry an identification card to alert others that an oral steroid may be needed in an emergency.

Before you take this drug

Tell your doctor before using Azmacort if you've been sick or if there was an infection (especially tuberculosis) of any type. Azmacort may be unavailable until you feel well.FDA pregnancy category C The medication could be dangerous to an unborn child. Inform your doctor immediately if you plan to get pregnant while on treatment or if you are pregnant. It is unknown if Azmacort passes through breast milk and if it can harm nursing babies. You should not take Azmacort if you're breastfeeding a child without first consulting your doctor.Triamcinolone can affect growth in children. Speak to your doctor if your child does not seem to be growing as normal while taking Azmacort.This medicine should not be given to children younger than five years of age.If you are a smoker, do not exercise regularly, do not consume enough calcium or vitamin D, or have a history of osteoporosis in your family, long-term use can lead to bone loss. Speak to your doctor regarding your osteoporosis risk.

How to take Azmacort?

Azmacort should be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Use the medicine only as prescribed by your physician. Azmacort is supplied with instructions to ensure safe and effective usage. Please follow the instructions carefully. If you have questions, ask your pharmacist or doctor.Azmacort should not be used to reverse an asthma attack already underway. Azmacort will not reverse symptoms quickly enough. Treat an asthma attack with another inhalation medicine that works faster.Rinse your mouth with water immediately after you use Azmacort to reduce the risk of developing yeast infections. Avoid swallowing.Asthma can be treated with a variety of drugs. Use all your prescribed medications according to your doctor's instructions. You should not alter your medication or doses without consulting your doctor.Azmacort should be taken regularly for maximum benefit. Refill your prescription before it runs out.If your symptoms of asthma do not improve within 2 weeks after taking Azmacort, contact your doctor.If you feel that your asthma medication is not working the way it should, seek medical advice. A sudden increase in the need to take medication may be a sign that you are experiencing a severe asthma attack. You may need to adjust your dosage if you are recovering from surgery, ill or stressed, have had an attack, have been under stress recently, have just experienced an asthmatic episode, etc. You may have to switch back to an oral steroid if your stress level is high or you experience an asthma attack. Wear a medical ID or carry an identification card to alert others that an oral steroid may be needed in an emergency. Azmacort should be stored at room temperature, away from heat and moisture. The medicine canister should be kept away from heat sources, like an open flame and a vehicle on a warm day. Canisters can explode when they get too hot.

What happens if I miss the dose?

As soon as possible, take the missed medication. Skip the missed dose if it's almost time to take your next regular dose. You should not take extra medication to compensate for a missed dose.

What happens if I overdose?

If you suspect that you may have taken too much medicine, seek immediate medical care.Azmacort overdose is unlikely to cause life-threatening effects.

Avoid this

Steroids can reduce the number of blood cells in your body that fight infection. You can get sicker if you are around people with infections or illnesses. If you've been around someone who has chicken pox or measles, contact your doctor.

Side effects of Azmacort

If you experience any of the following symptoms of an allergy reaction, seek immediate medical attention: difficulty breathing, swelling in your lips, face, throat, or tongue. If you experience any of the following serious side effects, call your doctor immediately.

  • Weight loss, fatigue, weakness, nausea
  • Azmacort can cause wheezing and breathing difficulties.
  • Skin rash, bruising, and severe tingling; muscle weakness; pain
  • Pain or burning after urinating;
  • Changes in body fat distribution (particularly in your legs, arms, chest, breasts, and shoulders)
  • Asthma symptoms can worsen.

Some of the less serious effects include:

  • Nausea, diarrhea, and  stomach pain;
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Dryness of the mouth, throat, nose, or other parts;
  • White patches or sores on the lips or inside of your mouth;
  • Sore throat and cough, stuffy nose, or sinus pain
  • Hoarseness is a deepening or hoarse voice.

The list is not complete, and other side effects may also occur. Inform your doctor if you experience any side effects that are unusual or annoying. The FDA can be contacted at 1-800-FDA-1088 to report any side effects.

Interaction with other drug

Azmacort may interact with other medications. Inform your doctor of all prescription and non-prescription medications that you take. Included in this are vitamins, herbs, herbal remedies, drugs, minerals, and other prescriptions from doctors. You should not begin taking a new drug without first consulting your doctor.