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Name of the generic: alteplase [AL-te-plase
The brand names are: Activase, Cathflo Activase
Dosage forms: injectable powder for injection (2 mg), intravenous powder for injection (100 mg; 50 mg)
Drug class: thrombolytics

What is Altplase?

Alteplase is a blood clotting (THROM-bo-LIT-ik) drug that is sometimes known as the "clot-busting" drug. It helps your body produce an ingredient that breaks down unwanted blood clots.Alteplase is a treatment for the symptoms of a stroke caused by a blood clot or any other obstruction of the blood vessel. Alteplase can also stop the death of an cardiac stroke (acute myocardial infarction).Alteplase can also be used to treat blood clots within the lung (pulmonary embolism).Alteplase can also be used to break up blood clots that are formed around or in the catheter inside the blood vessel. This helps to improve the flow of medications injected into the catheter or blood drained out of the catheter.Alteplase could also be used to treat conditions not covered in this medication guide.

Side effects of Alteplase

Contact a medical professional immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction, such as symptoms of hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,Alteplase may increase your chance of bleeding, which could be fatal or severe. Consult your physician or seek medical emergency assistance when you experience bleeding that isn't stopping. The bleeding could be caused by an incision made by a surgeon, through the skin area where the needle was placed in a blood test, or during the administration of injectable medications. It is also possible to have bleeding in the interior of your body, like in your stomach, kidneys, intestines, bladder, or brain, or even within the muscles.

Consult your physician or seek emergency medical attention. If you notice symptoms of bleeding, for example:

  • Abrupt headache that is sudden and makes you feel weak or dizzy;
  • Bleeding gums, nosebleeds;
  • Easily bruising;
  • The bleeding of a cut incision, catheter, or needle injection
  • Bloody or tarry stool and coughing blood; or vomit that resembles coffee grounds
  • Pink or red urine
  • Excessive menstrual cycle, unusual vaginal bleeding, or heavy menstrual periods;
  • Sudden weakness or numbness (especially in one part of your body) as well as slurred speech. Issues with balance or vision.

Contact your doctor at the earliest opportunity if you are suffering from:

  • Chest pain or feeling heavy or heavy feeling in the chest; pain spreading into the shoulder or jaw; nausea; sweating; general feeling of ill-being;
  • Swelling with rapid weight gain, few or no urination
  • Nausea, severe stomach pain nausea and severe stomach pain
  • Darkening or purple discoloration on your toes and fingers;
  • Very slow heartbeats; breathing shortness feeling lightheaded,
  • Abruptly extreme back pain in your back muscles, weakening and numbness, or loss of sensation in your arms and legs;
  • High blood pressure, severe headache poor vision or pounding sensations in your ears or neck, anxiety, nosebleeds,
  • Pancreatitis—severe discomfort in your stomach that spreads into the back of your body, vomiting, and vomiting.

Bleeding is the most frequent result of the drug alteplase.This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other side effects could occur. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on the effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


Alteplase increases the danger of sustaining severe or fatal bleeding, specifically from the surgical incision or the area where the needle was placed. Contact emergency assistance when you experience bleeding that isn't stopping.

Prior to use this drug

It is not recommended to take the drug alteplase if you are allergic to it or if you suffer from:

  • Active bleeding inside your body;
  • A cancerous brain, also known as aneurysm (dilated blood vessels),
  • An occurrence of head injuries or surgery on your spinal cord or brain in the last three months;
  • Extreme or uncontrolled; excessive or uncontrolled;
  • Bleeding or blood clotting disorder, such as haemophilia;
  • There is a lot of blood in your brain (if you're receiving an antiplatelet to treat stroke).
  • A recent stroke history (if you're taking alteplase to treat an embolism in the pulmonary tract)

If it is possible prior to receiving alterplase, you should inform your doctor that you've previously had:

  • Any type of stroke
  • The brain may be bleeding from the stomach, intestines, or urinary tract.
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart issues;
  • Inflammation of the heart's lining (also known as an infection of the lining of your heart, also known as endocarditis);
  • An injury that is serious or requires major surgery;
  • Extreme bruising or infections in a vein, where an iv was placed.
  • An organ biopsy;
  • Eye issues caused by the disease of diabetes;
  • Kidney or liver disease;
  • If you are pregnant or nursing,

In an emergency, it might not be feasible to notify your carers that you are nursing or pregnant. Be sure that any doctor who cares for the baby or your pregnancy is aware that you've received the drug alteplase.

How to take Altaplase?

Alteplase can be given as an injection into the vein. Your healthcare provider will offer the injection.Alteplase is usually administered within 3 hours of the first sign of heart attack or stroke symptoms. Your blood pressure, breathing levels, oxygen levels, and other vital indicators will be closely monitored.Also, you will be observed closely for a few hours following receiving the drug to ensure that you don't suffer from an allergic reaction to the drug.If used to eliminate blood clots from the catheter, it is administered in one or two doses.The doctor might prescribe blood thinners or other medications to prevent the occurrence of blood clots. Be sure to follow the dosing guidelines. The medications may cause you to get a blood clot, even after small injuries.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Because you'll receive the drug in a medical environment, you're less likely to skip the dose.

What happens if I overdose?

Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Talk to your physician prior to taking aspirin or Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) immediately following the administration of alteplase. These medicines could increase the chance of bleeding.Avoid activities that increase the chances of sustaining injuries or bleeding. Take extra care to avoid bleeding during shaving or brushing your teeth.

Interaction with other drugs

Discuss with your doctor your other medications, particularly:

  • Any medication that is used for treating or preventing blood clots
  • A bleeding thinner (heparin, warfarin, Coumadin, Jantoven)
  • The nsaids (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), Celecoxib, diclofenac (also known as indomethacin), diclofe, and many others.

This list isn't complete. Other medications can affect alterplase, which includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. There are many possible interactions between drugs, which are listed in this article.