Arthritis, a chronic disease that can cause inflammation and joint pain, is prevalent. Over 100 types of arthritis exist, but the four most common are osteoarthritis (rheumatoid), psoriatic, and gout.
Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis that affects millions of individuals worldwide. The cartilage that cushions joints begins to wear down over time, causing the condition. OA is most common in the spine, hands, hips, and knees joints. OA symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness, and tenderness. These symptoms can worsen with time and significantly impact the quality of life. Age, obesity, joint injury or surgery history, and genetics are all risk factors for OA. OA is not curable, but there are ways to control its symptoms and slow its progression. Exercise, weight control, physical therapy, and pain-relieving medication are all possible treatments. Joint replacement surgery may be required in severe cases.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints. RA is different from osteoarthritis, which occurs due to wear and tear of the joints. Instead, RA is caused when the immune system attacks and damages the linings of the joints. RA is most common in the joints of the hands, feet, and wrists. However, it can affect other areas, such as the lungs and heart. RA symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, fatigue, and general malaise. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital to managing symptoms and slowing the progression of RA. Treatment may include medications to reduce joint pain and inflammation, physical and occupational therapy, and lifestyle changes.
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA), a chronic inflammatory form of arthritis, occurs when people have psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin disorder that results in red, scaly skin patches. Up to 30% of people with psoriasis will develop PsA. PsA may cause swelling, joint stiffness, and pain. It can also affect the skin and nails, causing discoloration and pitting. The condition can affect any part of the body, including the spine. However, it is most common in the fingers and toes. PsA is not curable, but early diagnosis can help to manage symptoms and slow the progression. Some treatment options include medications to reduce inflammation and discomfort, physical and occupational therapy, and lifestyle changes.
Gout is arthritis caused by uric acids that build up in the body. These crystals can cause severe swelling, pain, and joint redness. Gout is most common in the big toe joints but can also affect ankles, fingers, and wrists. Gout is associated with obesity, high blood pressure, family history, and eating foods high in purines. These include red meat, seafood, and alcohol. Gout is treated with medications that relieve inflammation and pain and lifestyle changes designed to reduce future attacks. Lifestyle changes can include:
- Maintaining a healthy body weight.
- Avoiding foods high in purine.
- Limiting alcohol consumption.
- Staying hydrated.
How to manage arthritis?
Combining medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes can help manage arthritis. If you suspect you may have arthritis or have any questions about managing symptoms, it’s best to speak to your doctor.
Maintaining a healthy body weight:
Weight gain can cause stiffness and pain in your joints. Weight loss can reduce strain on joints and help improve arthritis symptoms. A healthy weight is essential to managing arthritis. Being overweight or obese can cause stress to weight-bearing joints such as the spine, knees, and hips. This can worsen the symptoms of arthritis and lead to joint damage. Weight loss through healthy eating and regular exercise can reduce strain on joints and improve overall health. Working with your healthcare provider and a registered dietitian can help you develop a weight loss program that’s safe and tailored to your medical needs.
Exercise regularly:
Regular exercise helps strengthen your muscles, improves your range of movement, and reduces stiffness. Walking, swimming, and cycling, which are low-impact exercises, are excellent options for those with arthritis. Regular physical activity is essential for arthritis management. It can reduce pain, stiffness and improve range of movement and flexibility. Walking, swimming, and cycling are low-impact exercises safe for people awith arthritis because they do not put too much stress on their joints. Yoga, tai-chi, and aquatic exercises are also low-impact options that can be beneficial. Working with your doctor or physical therapist is essential in developing a safe, effective exercise plan tailored to your medical needs. You can modify your routine if there is pain or discomfort after or during exercise.
A balanced diet is essential:
Healthy eating, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, can reduce inflammation and improve your overall health. The omega-3 fatty acid found in salmon, nuts, seeds, and fish such as salmon has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis patients. A healthy and balanced diet can help manage arthritis. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can reduce inflammation and improve overall health. They also help you maintain a healthy weight. Omega-3 fatty acid, found in salmon, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help to reduce stiffness and pain in arthritis patients. Working with your healthcare provider and registered dietitian can help you develop a healthy diet plan tailored to your medical needs. They can advise on dietary supplements such as turmeric or fish oil, which have anti-inflammatory qualities and may benefit people with arthritis.
Rest enough:
Rest is crucial to managing arthritis symptoms. Rest and recharge during the day by getting enough sleep at night. Rest is essential in managing arthritis symptoms. Fatigue is common among people who have arthritis. Pain, inflammation, and other arthritis symptoms can be exhausting. You can manage your symptoms by getting enough sleep and taking breaks to recharge during the day. Avoid overexerting or pushing yourself through pain, as it can worsen your symptoms and cause further joint damage. Listen to your body, and take breaks as needed. Talk to your doctor if you are having difficulty sleeping or feeling fatigued. They can help identify the cause and create a plan of action.
Manage stress:
Stress can exacerbate arthritis symptoms, so finding ways to reduce stress is essential. Relaxation and stress reduction can be achieved through meditation, deep breathing exercises, and gentle yoga.
Follow the treatment plan:
Take your medication as prescribed by your doctor. Physical or occupational therapy may also be recommended to improve your range and reduce the pain.
If you suspect you may have arthritis or have any questions regarding managing the symptoms, it’s best to speak to your doctor. You can get a tailored treatment plan and be referred to a specialist if needed. Follow these tips to manage your arthritis and improve your health and well-being. Talk to your doctor about any concerns or questions regarding your arthritis treatment.