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Ten tips to stay healthy during the flu season

Simple steps to stay healthy can significantly impact your health during the flu season. Influenza can be spread by one person up to six feet away. The flu is also very contagious. A healthy adult can infect others up to seven days before the symptoms appear.

Get a flu vaccine

It is best to be vaccinated yearly to prevent the flu and its serious complications. However, good health habits such as avoiding sick people, covering your throat, and washing your hands often can also help stop the spreading and prevent respiratory illnesses, including flu. Flu antiviral medications can also be used to prevent and treat flu.

The seasonal flu vaccine protects against four viruses predicted to be the most prevalent during the following season. This flu season, there are several options for flu vaccines.

These tips and resources will teach you how to prevent the flu and stop its spread.

Wash your hands

A study showed that hand washing regularly can reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses by over 20 percent. It is essential to wash your hands at every opportunity. Rinse and scrub your hands with soap for 20 seconds.

Hand Sanitizer

Alcohol base hand wash is recommended if others are not available. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers between 60-95 percent alcohol are more effective in killing germs, according to studies.

Stop Biting your Nails

Even if you wash your hands and use sanitizers, your fingers will still touch things, including bacteria and germs. By connecting your face or by biting your nail, you put those germs in a direct path to your nose and mouth. They can then make you sick.

Disinfect high-touch areas

Hard surfaces can harbour germs for several hours and, in some cases, even several days. Germs and bacteria thrive on kitchen and bathroom counters, gym equipment, door handles, and other surfaces. It is essential to disinfect frequently. Also, it would help if you wiped down remotes, light switches, and phones.

Remember the laundry.

Clothing, towels, bedding, and yes, even your favourite stuffed animal can spread germs. Use colour-safe bleach and wash items with the warmest water possible for the fabric. Carry dirty clothes in a basket rather than hugging them to your chest. If possible, pour the dirty items straight into the washing machine and wash your hands after handling them.

Good Sleep is Important

According to research, people who sleep less than seven or eight hours a night are more susceptible to colds. Regularly getting quality sleep strengthens your immunity and has other benefits. It helps your body to fight colds, flu, and other infections.

Boost Your Immune System

Add the right vitamins and nutrition to your diet to boost your body’s resistance to sickness. According to some research, vitamin C may help reduce the duration or prevent colds. Researchers have also found that zinc can help reduce the course of a common cold, while vitamin D3 boosts your immune system.

Flu shots are available.

Immunization is the best defence against influenza. It would be best to vaccinate yearly because the flu viruses change each season. Flu vaccines are recommended for everyone older than six months, especially those with weak immune systems and the elderly.

Enjoy the Fresh Air Even when it’s freezing outside

In winter, we are all indoors and sharing the same air. Window opening should be a priority. Or, take a short walk out. An air purifier can be an excellent investment if that is not possible. Some models are designed to eliminate allergens and viruses and inactivate bacteria.

Stay away

Stay away from sick people if you can. Stay home if you’re sick. When you cough, cover your mouth with something other than your hands.

Flu Prevention at Work and School

In School

Ask your child’s preschool, college, or school about their plans in the event of an illness outbreak, such as the flu. Also, ask if flu vaccines are available on-site.

Ensure your child’s preschool, college, or child care program frequently cleans surfaces and objects. They should also have plenty of tissue, soap, paper towel, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and disposable wipes.

You can also ask about the sick policy and how students and staff will be separated from other students or staff.

Find out more about the prevention of influenza, questions and answers, and posters for schools—resources for Schools and Childcare Providers.


Ask your employer about their plans for an influenza outbreak or other illness. Also, find out if flu vaccinations are available on-site.

To help eliminate germs, clean surfaces and objects frequently touched, such as doorknobs, keyboards, and phones.

Ensure you have enough tissues, soaps, paper towels, and alcohol-based hand rubs in your office.

You can train others to cover your shift if you or someone else in your family becomes sick and must stay home.

When you feel ill at work, leave the office immediately.

It is said that an ounce prevention is worth a pound cured. Speak to your Physicians Clinic provider about the best ways to stay healthy year-round during cold and influenza season.


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