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How do you maintain healthy bones?


Osteoporosis can be described as a condition where bones become fragile, increasing the chance of fractures. The body can lose so much bone or not produce enough to maintain bone density. Osteoporosis is often undetected until a break occurs. This usually happens in the wrist, hip or spine. Age, genetics and hormonal changes, such as menopause, are all risk factors for osteoporosis. Other factors include sedentary living, excessive alcohol intake, smoking and low calcium and vitamin D intake. Lifestyle changes can treat and prevent osteoporosis, such as eating a nutritious diet that includes adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, exercising regularly (especially weight-bearing exercises), and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Some medications are prescribed to increase bone density or slow down bone loss.

It is vital to your overall health and well-being that you maintain healthy bones. 


Healthy eating

Healthy eating is essential for strong bones. Dairy products, leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, and orange juice are all good sources of calcium. Vitamin D is necessary for bone health, as it helps to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is found in fatty fish, eggs, yolks and fortified foods. Calcium is essential for strong bones. Adults between the ages of 19 and 50 should aim to consume 1000 mg of calcium daily. Those aged 51 and older should aim for 1,200 mg. Dairy products, leafy vegetables, fortified grains, and supplements are all good sources of calcium. Vitamin D is important for bone health and helps the body to absorb calcium. Adults between 19 and 70 should consume 600 IUs of vitamin D daily. Those aged 71 or older should consume 800 IUs per day. Sunlight, egg yolks and fatty fish are all good sources of vitamin D.

Exercise regularly

Weight-bearing exercises like running, walking or weightlifting can prevent osteoporosis and keep your bones strong. Balance exercises such as yoga and tai-chi are essential to prevent fractures and falls. Weight-bearing exercises and resistance training help strengthen bones and stop bone loss. Most days, aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise such as walking, hiking or dancing. Adults should seek to do moderate-intensity exercises, like brisk walking or hiking, most days each week. It would help if you also vary your routine by including different activities and movements that will challenge your muscles and bones in new ways. Speaking with a health professional before beginning a new exercise program is important. This is especially true if you are concerned about your health.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Both can reduce bone density and increase fracture risk. Smoking is linked to decreased bone density, increasing your risk of fractures. Alcohol consumption can also lead to bone loss and may increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. It is advised to stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption to improve bone health. Smoking cessation can provide health benefits, including increased bone density and reduced fracture risk. Reduced alcohol consumption, one drink for women and two for men daily, can improve bone health. These are both essential nutrients for bone strength. A calcium-rich diet, such as dairy, fortified food, and leafy greens, can help improve bone health. You should always seek personalized advice from a health professional on improving your bone health and reducing your risk of osteoporosis.

Regularly perform bone density tests.

 These screenings will help you detect osteoporosis earlier, preventing fractures and complications. Regular bone density tests can identify osteoporosis and bone loss early and allow for treatment. Bone density tests are recommended for men and women older than 50 and younger people with certain risk factors of osteoporosis. These include a family history, low weight, fracture history, or long-term usage of certain medications, like glucocorticoids. A bone density test can identify osteoporosis and bone loss early, which increases the risk of fractures. Early detection of osteoporosis allows treatment to be initiated, which can help slow or reverse bone loss. This reduces the risk of fractures and improves overall bone health. The frequency of screenings for bone density depends on some factors, such as age, gender, and personal risk factors. Consult your healthcare provider for the best advice on when and how frequently to have a bone density test.


You may need to consider supplements. You can ask them to determine whether accessories are necessary for you and the right dosage. You must follow the recommendations of your doctor. It’s also important to remember that supplements do not replace a healthy eating and exercise routine. The best way to maintain bone health is by eating a diet high in calcium and vitamin D and doing regular resistance and weight-bearing exercises.


If medication is needed, it may be prescribed. Depending on your risk factors and medical background, hormone therapy, denosumab, or bisphosphonates can slow down bone loss and increase bone density. Speak with a healthcare provider who can assess your risk factors and medical background and recommend personalized treatment. You should schedule an appointment to talk with your healthcare provider about osteoporosis or bone loss concerns. They may prescribe medications like bisphosphonates or hormone therapy to increase bone density or slow down bone loss as part of an overall treatment plan.


Follow these tips to maintain healthy bones and avoid osteoporosis. These tips will also help you choose a healthy lifestyle to maintain nutritional bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

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